With Record TIME, delivery companies can bid farewell to traditional paper-based proof of delivery and embrace a digital solution. It provides track of real time delivery and optimises the supply chain for your delivery business. In addition, Record TIME’s electronic proof of delivery (ePOD) allows delivery drivers to capture electronic signatures on a delivery receipt and instant photos on proof of delivery dockets along with safe delivery notifications or messages.\n
As a result, you can reduce the hours spent on manual data entry by storing all delivery records digitally. Furthermore, our delivery app enables businesses to maintain a comprehensive database of delivery details. The system captures and stores all pertinent data, from timestamps and recipient information to special instructions and notes. Users can easily access and search the centralised repository of delivery information. This delivery management system facilitates effective record management and minimises the risk of information loss. The given image shows an example of the delivery docket.
Record TIME ensures the accuracy and integrity of delivery operations through different measures. With access to our electronic proof of delivery app, delivery drivers can conveniently access delivery details (for instance: products or services) on any mobile device while on the go. Our user friendly delivery management software provides real-time tracking, allowing you to monitor deliveries and minimising errors associated with paperwork. Rapid data exchange enables faster delivery times. In addition to productivity, the system saves money by reducing paperwork and enhancing dispute-resolution processes. Customers can track deliveries and receive electronic proof of delivery, which improves their whole experience.
Our thorough electronic records are also critical in resolving issues as quickly as possible. This technology not only boosts user experience but also has a substantial impact on a company's productivity.\nDifferent features in Record TIME's mobile app not only enhance customer experience but also provide a sense of trust and transparency between the delivery company and its customers. Whether you are in the food delivery business, medical transportation business, or logistics delivery business, Record TIME is the perfect proof of delivery solution with real time tracking.
The primary benefit of epod is that the delivery driver has the option to take photos using the app. Furthermore, users can capture images of the recipient, the package, or the location where the package was delivered using the pod app.
\nThe driver can capture an electronic signature from the recipient using Record TIME. Then, the system saves this customer signature along with the other information, giving proof of delivery.
\nThe delivery driver can write a note in the app to provide additional details or descriptions related to the order's delivery. This feature allows them to record specific information relevant to the delivery process.